Blogging Mistakes That Newbies Make

From Conventional to the New (The Jump from Traditional Media to Blogging)
September 26, 2018
Update #3
September 28, 2018

Blogging Mistakes That Newbies Make

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Common Blogging Mistakes

We all go through the noob stage in our blogging career. As we explore our niche and what we can do, we all experience mistakes. It’s all trial and error. Thankfully, we already have a lot of resources online that we can use to improve our craft. Here, let’s dissect some of the blogging mistakes that newbies make.

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Some blogging mistakes that newbies make.

What are Common Blogging Mistakes?

Here, let’s take a look at some of the blogging mistakes that most newbies go through. As a Bacolod blogger, I also had my share. I even had to delete an entire blog because I thought I just wrote trashy thoughts there. That was what happened in the beginning.

You think of ideas that only interest you.

Who are you writing for? Do you want to maintain your blog as an online diary or an online publication? If you want to be read and followed by an audience, you have to seek topics that would interest many people. It should also be a niche that you are familiar with and have some experience. Readers usually like to experience what you had.

Your writing is too stiff.

Most bloggers work alone. Like me, I cover events, write, edit photos, publish, and then promote my blog post across social media. We really don’t have an editor who dictates what we need to write and how to write it. Our writing reflects our personality. People love humor and wit. Use that because readers love to be entertained.

You think people care about you as a writer.

There is just a small percentage among blog readers who really care about bloggers being writers. Of course, they expect your grammar and spelling to be perfect. But in my blogging, my readers want to know more of what I have done or experienced. They are looking for something that they can relate to and apply in their lives as well.

Your topics are too broad.

Think about a specific topic and expand on it. Then like an essay that you will submit for school, create a plan on what you are going to write so that you will not digress from the topic.

Unsystematic writing.

Readers of blogs do not really have a lot of time to read. They usually just skip much of your introduction and they go to the meat of your topic. So create order in your blog. I used to be a feature writer for magazines. Instinctively, I carried on my magazine writing style into blogging. I did that for many years until I was taught by a blogging expert. Now, I try to plan out what to write, like having a short intro and then getting into the gist of my topic. Then write a powerful conclusion that your readers can allude to.

You don’t use data as evidence.

While your readers like testimonies, they would also want to see evidence to back up your claims. In my mommy blog, I write a lot of testimonials based on our family’s experiences. But I also include data that I gather from my research.

You think you’re done once the writing’s done.

Once you hit “publish”, you leave it as is. If you want to reach readers, you have to share your work. So you have to have different social media accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Share your posts there and make sure that they are set to “public.”

You try to make every post perfect.

Well, we can never perfect each post. Most of us are a one-man team. I am a homeschooling mom without a nanny and household helper, so I pretty much do everything at home.

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To be a one-man team can be tedious. We are not perfect and our work cannot be perfect. We can only try.

If you find a typo in your post, just go back and edit it. It’s so easy to update your blog anyway. My husband would sometimes vet my post or my friends would PM me about missing words, so I just go back and edit it. No biggie.

You don’t blog consistently.

If you already have steady followers, they will expect you to update your blogs at a regular pace. Some newbies, however, write a blog post today and then come back after two months. Your readers will most likely forget about you already.

You aren’t growing subscribers.

If you want your blog posts to be read, build your subscriber base. There are many ways to do that. You can start with friends and family. Join groups of the same interests. That’s how you get your message across the web.

Ultimately, it is really up to you. You get to decide what you want to write and how you present yourself. But if you want to be read in order to get your message out there, then maybe there’s a need for you to assess yourself and your blogging style. Are you in the right path? You can get over some basic blogging mistakes that newbies make with some easy adjustments on your part.

Sigrid is a Bacolod blogger and work at home mom who tries to juggle taking care of the kids, homeschooling, covering events, designing, and writing. Now known as a food blogger, her lifestyle blog has become predominantly about food, as it is one of the writer’s favorite topics. She blogs at and Her blogs accept product reviews, sponsorships, monthly advertising, and paid posting. Interested companies may email Sigrid at She is a proud member of the Negrense Blogging Society, Inc. or the Negrense Bloggers.

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